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This page contains links to web sites and pages having to do with Nursing. Where necessary, I've entered a short description. Some are quite obvious. The information is divided into the following categories:

Nursing related discussions/issues
Nursing Research


The Agency for Health Care Policy and Reasearch (U.S.government site).
American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing
American Academy of Family Physicians.
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
American Academy Nursing
American Association of Colleges of Nursing
American Association of Critical-Care Nurses
American Association of Diabetes Educators
American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants
American Association of Neuroscience Nurses
American Association of Nurse Anesthetists
American Association of Occupational Health Nurses, Inc.
American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Nurses
American College of Nurse Practitioners
American Holistic Nurses Association
American Journal of Nursing
American Nephrology Nurses Association
American Nurses Association
American Organization of Nurse Executives
American Psychiatric Nurses' Association
Association of Pediatric Oncology Nurses
HealthAnswers (Orbis Broadcast Group)
Healthfinder (U.S. government site).
Healthcare Intelligence Network (Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corp.)
Healthtouch (Medical Stratigies,Inc.)
InteliHealth (Johns Hopkins)
Intravenous Nurses Society
Maternal Child Health Bureau (US Gov)
Mayo Health Oasis (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research)
MedicineNet (Information Network,Inc.)
National Association of Hispanic Nurses
National Federation of Licensed Practical Nurses, Inc.
National Health Information Center
NP Central - Nurse Practitioner Support Services.
Oncology Nursing Society
OnHealth (IVI Publishing, Inc.)
Psychosocial Support and Personal Experiences
The "Virtual" hospital
The "Virtual" Nursing Center.
WellnessWeb: The Patient's Network.

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During the next week or so, I will be categorizing these link(and alphabetizing them, AND adding new ones, AND..... well, you get the picture). Just keep on coming back.


OK,OK, I know it has absolutely nothing to do with nursing,
but check out the homepage of:

America's Guard of Honor.

(What can I say....I have fond memories of the place.)

Copyright © 2000 by [Ram4]. All rights reserved. Revised: 11 Jul 2000 . Send mail to jorge@ram4.com with questions or comments about this web site.